How to play using the WolfMame emulator

Play Using WolfMame Emulator

The WolfMame emulator is the preferred emulator used in the Donkey Kong community. Emulator-based entries in the Kong League tournaments are only valid if they are performed using (a specific version) of the WolfMame emulator. The WolfMame emulator has no build-in support for the romhacks and result in checksum errors when trying to run the romhacks. To prevent the checksum errors, the WolfMame emulator must be started from the command line.

Use the following procedure to prepare a WolfMame environment and run a single romhack.

Download the WolfMame emulator, available here:

Create a 'WolfMame' folder on the desktop and extract the contents of the downloaded WolfMame .7z file to this folder.

Create a 'roms' subfolder in the 'WolfMame' folder.

Patch an original Donkey Kong romfile to the romhack romfile. Instructions on how to apply the patches is available on the 'HOW TO PATCH' page.
On that page you also find a download link to obtain a single zipfile containing the patches for all the romhacks.

Place the resulting romhack romfile in the 'roms' subfolder:

Open a 'Run' window by pressing 'Windows'+'R'

Enter the following command to start the romhack:
"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\WolfMame\mame64.exe" -rompath "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\WolfMame\roms"

The romhack will start: enjoy the game !


Press '5' to insert coins
Press '1' to start a one player game
Press '2' to start a two player game
Move by using the 'arrow' keys
Jump using the 'Ctrl' key

Use the following procedure to prepare the WolfMame environment to run more romhacks in parallel.

Create an 'hacks' subfolder in the 'WolfMame' folder.

Create a subfolder for each romhack in the 'hacks' subfolder:

For each romhack, download the romhack patch from the 'ROMHACKS' page and patch an original Donkey Kong romfile to the romhack romfile. Place the resulting romhack romfile in the corresponding romhack subfolder.

Create a .cmd file for each romhack in the 'hacks' subfolder:

Put the following command in each of the romhack .cmd files and change the rom path to the right folder:

After finishing this setup, you can simply start the desired romhack by double clicking on the corresponding .cmd-file.